orthogen - automatic dwg from Autocad Plant3d
The engineering services in the design of industrial, technological and automotive area goes from concept, basic up to feed and detailing engineering .
The main activities performed by Tricad are:
conceptual pfd, drafting and editing p&id
creation and modification of civil drawings, steel structures and piping layout GA
laser scanner survey for as built purposes and conversion to 3D model even for isometric piping generation
feasibility study of complex 3D units or underground area to check the collision detection among all components
detailed 3d design of water treatment plants, reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration and micro and any premounted skid
buildings modeling with BIM technology, complete hvac systems from concept to dimensioning stage and mto generation for pharmaceutical plants
feasibility 3D study of thermal plants with all the documentation needed even for the authorization
3D modeling of automotive digital plants: conveyors, piping services, and route simulation
sketch generation
piping stress analysis
4D and 5D site scheduling
multimedia documentation handling
the advantages of Tricad services are:
monitoring all stage with nearly complete interoperability inside the engineering process.
uniqueness and availability of information
flexibility and proper time response to the project planning and delivery schedule
specialistic and qualify assistance
The solutions identified and proposed by Tricad Service means investment both in software and, mainly, in people who are in our vision the company's assets.
To speed up the return on investment within the introduction of all solutions we support you with our “support specialist service”.
We are your back office engineering service at a glance. This allows you to focus on your core business, we do the rest.
Our technical staff is available to support and solve issues you may be encountered in everyday use of the plant design tool during weekdays from 9am till 17:30 with a telephone service or remote support directly on your PC to ensure a more immediate solution comprehension .
We build up your :
pipe class
components catalogs
start-up project configuration

Training & start-up
During the training phase we follow up with you supporting a start-up phase on real projects.
This on-the-job activity allows the definition of the company standard environment to carry out the design activities. In summary it gets the higher value to the organization of the business process.
The on-the-job activity can be cover both the basic engineering and detailing with the definition of pipe spec or to the entire engineering process with the final template generation to get isometric sketch in the requested form according to your requirements.
Further we propose a coaching stage activity on a real design job to guarantee the investment done in training people and to optimize all procedures along the whole engineering process.
A correct planning of the complete start-up phase let us to indicate to you a real ROI value
more info SOLUTION

Feasibility Study
Engineering Plant
Basic Design & Modelling
From P&id to 3D modeling, feed and detailing engineering.
Industrial Plant
MEP Plant
Automotive Plant
Our technical support let you to get the feasibility study about your plant.
Pre-engineering activity to give you all needed information to preview costs and benefits.
3D Laser Scanning
Try our survey service. High professional at right cost!
Traditional Laser scanner and drone.
Cad format DWG,DGN,PDMS

30 years history
We supply software solutions, consultant services and feasibility studies to the industrial, building technology and automotive process area. We daily discover, test and provide up-to-date design solutions together with engineering services in these industrial sectors.
As solution provider we daily verify and apply the best methods to make the industrail plant profitable from the engineering starting point
This is the goal we wish to win together with the customer.
From the beginning our headline has been to work together and closed to customer to know his needs and planning efficiently the activities to get the result in the right time.
Our technical staff is well prepared to propose and follow engineering job within the industrail plant area
Year stablished
+ 14000
Year Man hours
+ 350
Plant Projects
Active Customers
+ 50


We offer services on engineering solutions to cover your needs in the following areas:
Industrial Plant
MEP Plant (BIM)
Automotive Plant
chemical, pharmaceutical, water treatment, energy, oil and gas, cosmetic, food, manufacturing and fluid transfer (paper mills, steel mills), premounted skids
Autocad PLANT : P&iD and PLANT 3D modeling
Plant Tools Autocad Plant plugin
P3Dcat: Pipe Spec and catalogs generation
Rohr2 : piping stress analysis
In the Plant Design area we offer the solution to convert clever 3D models from the main vendors such as Autodesk, Aveva, Intergraph, Bentley.
We also delivery this activity as service
In all areas the Navisworks application is used to handle the 3D project along engineering, construction and lifecycle phases of projects
Some years ago VDA association (european automotive manufacturers) defined a standard de facto applications to handle the “automotive digital fabrik” .
CARF : automotive (Microstation based)
more info
Our technical staff is highly skilled on all these tools to reach the goal together with you. CONTACT us for info
pharmaceutical, building technologies, hvac
Autodesk REVIT : BIM technology
CARF BT : 3D hvac modeling (Microstation based)



For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +39 0248300930 or fill out the following form
Head Office
Viale San Gimignano, 2/1
20146 Milan - Italy
Vat # IT11454450153
Tel: +39 0248300930
Fax: +39 02 99988157
To apply for a job with Tricad Service Italia, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: tsimail@tricad.it
© 2024 by Tricad Service Italia SrL